Feminine Alchemy

#21: Imbolc-- Snacks and Celebrations


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In continuing our Wheel of the Year series on the podcast, we are discussing the holiday of Imbolc!

Imbolc means "in the belly" and is a time when we start to wake up from the sleepy internal posture of winter + start to prepare for the return of the Sun and for incoming spring.

Of course there are many snacks to eat with this holiday as well! We talk about rituals to perform, Goddesses to celebrate and herbs/crystals to work with during this awakening holiday!

The timestamps:

00:26 Introduction to Imbolc and the Wheel of the Year
09:52 Celebrating Imbolc: Traditions and Practices
13:53 The Goddess Brigid and Her Significance
16:00 Celebrating Imbolc: Traditions and Significance
19:47 The Role of Food in Imbolc Celebrations
25:04 Pomegranates: Symbolism and Nourishment
31:06 Herbs and Stones for Imbolc Rituals
41:50 Personal Traditions and Family Celebrations
45:37 Mindfulness and Hope in Imbolc

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