Feminine Alchemy

#3: Feminine Cycles for more flow + peak performance


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This episode goes deep into the cycles of the feminine.

We start out by explaining the Triple Goddess (and even the Quadruple Goddess)
Then we relate each part of the Goddess cycle to the moon
Then we relate all of this to Menstruation
And provide practical, actionable steps on how to work with these cycles
The benefits of menstruating in harmony with the moon on your total well-being including mental, hormonal, and even productivity health
Surprising productivity benefits of cycling with the moon
The benefits of that "PMS" phase of both the moon cycle and the menstrual cycle
We also discuss what to do if your menstrual cycle does not line up with the moon exactly
OR if you don't have a menstrual cycle and want to honor the feminine cycles to best work with your energies.

This episode is super long for a REASON. It is jam-packed full of explanation on why things work a certain way and how to use them to find more ease and flow in  your life.

Grab a cup of tea and dive in!

How to find us!


Jaye Anne:


Feminine Alchemyst School:
Email: hello@femininealchemyst.com
Website: femininealchemyst.com
Instagram: @feminine.alchemyst